Well, I landed back at home on Saturday night after the grueling 20 hour flight back. Here's some more pics and stories...
I can't decide which hunt was the highlight for me this trip, they're both up there pretty equal. My first hunt was an absolutely thrilling hunt with my long time hunting partner, Andy, one that I will never forget - thanks bro!! The second was a very special hunt for me - it was the first time that my dad, younger brother and I had hunting together, and certainly the first time hunting together with trad bows!
We were out on the last morning of the hunt, sharing the little time of hunting we had left. We were walking down a creek that started with a spring. We were taking it in turns to lead, looking carefully under the banks of the creek and in the water of the creek. The surrounding of the creek had been burned by the fire, so there was little cover for any pigs. We carefully searched any cover left after the fire.

We busted a big boar, whilst my dad was leading, none of us seeing it before he ran. We stopped at several water holes, and watched the hole for a bit as we went along.

About 4 hours into the walk, I was leading when a pig jumped out from under the bank of the creek. I hadn't seen him yet because he was so well tucked under the creek bank, but he had smelt us because the wind was so bad! He ran from the edge of the creek for about 5 meters when he stopped to look at what was going on - which was a big mistake on his part! :p He stood about 15 meters away from me.
I already had an arrow knocked, so lifted my bow, drew, heard my clicker go, aimed and let the arrow go!!! I heard that incredible "THWA" as your arrow passes through an animal. I hit the boar a little high and back, but the shot was still good. He ran about 30 meters, turned back to look at us and his system shut down and he was out!!
It was a special moment for me, having just dropped a boar, walk and stalk, with my dad and brother!

It'll be a hunt that I will never forget, there is something incredibly special about sharing time hunting with your dad and brother!!! :D