I was the last person in the group to get something on the ground this trip, but I ended pretty well dropping 3 pigs in the last 2 days. Here's the story of my first pig of the trip...
Andy and I were hunting together, walking along one of the bigger creeks on the station. Andy was in front of me while we were walking on the edge of this rock cliff over-hanging the river when he suddenly froze head still having just seen a big boar lying in the water facing him. The pig hadn't seen him yet, but Andy didn't want to risk moving and spooking the pig. I was a couple of meters behind Andy and he signaled for me to stay low and move back and around slowly.
The wind was right, and I moved in very slowly and quietly. I hadn't seen the pig yet, only the back of Andy so was going in blind. I knew that if I got a shot opportunity, it would be close range i.e. under 8 meters. So I knew I had to be very quiet. I stalked in quietly and slowly, when I found myself on the top of a bank above the pig. He was about 5 meters away from me when I drew my 68# Wolverine longbow. I anchored, aimed and let loose watching my arrow penetrate to the fletch just to the side of the pigs spine, between the shoulders into the engine room.
The pig exploded out of the water, stumbling straight up the bank towards me snapping his jaws. I am pretty sure he was very angry with me and wanted to eat me, so I didn't want to wait around to find out. I proceeded to knock another arrow and wacked the pig again, at a quartering towards angle, as he was coming up the bank - this time at about 3 yards... After seeing that this second shot hit him good through the shoulder and right into the engine room again, I turned and high tailed it for some trees leaving him time to die, shouting to Andy to shoot if he got a shot! I turned after running about 30 meters and watched the pig collapse and fall down the bank. He rolled back down the bank until he hit a tree, where he stopped dead. It was an incredibly thrilling hunt, and it was an absolute pleasure to share this with my long time hunting partner/ cousin - Andy!

Nice hole created by the Magnus I 2 blade!