Here is a pic of my blind set up on some grass growing around water tanks that had some deer tracks. I sat here once. Dad had seen a few deer come in earlier in the week right before dark.
Here is a pic of my dad's blind setup for antelope.
He passed on a couple of smaller bucks early in the week and regreted it afterwards. We had saw some bigger bucks and was hopeing for one of them. I wish i would have been able to get some pics of the antelope and deer we saw but most were too far away for pics. If I was close enough to a deer I had other things on my mind than taking pictures.
The deer and antelope sure like the mineral left for cattle but most were visited during the night.
I did manage to rescue a turtle from comitting suiside on the road. Almost ran him over. Set him off the side. Hope he appreciated it.
A few more pics to finish it out.
And the grand finally.
Thanks for tagging along. Hope you enjoy.