I got my new foam/carbon Classic Hunter with Bow Bolt a couple of weeks ago after waiting 14 months for it. SPECTACULAR!!!!! I can't say for sure you will love yours, but I love mine, along with the other 7 or 8 Shrews I already owned. I ordered a second Shrew at the same time as this newest Classic Hunter, but I had Ron and Gregg hold off on the second one until I could see how the new bow shot so I could decide for sure which model of Shrew I want for the upcoming one. I have various Classic Hunters, Lil Favorites and Super Shrews, so I know what all of them shoot like. Now I need to decide what gaps I have in my lineup that I want to fill in. Right now I have to say this new one is my favorite of the bunch, and not just because it is the newest. When I can get a chronograph set up I want to do a velocity test against an almost identical foam core Classic Hunter I have that does not have carbon backing or a Bow Bolt.