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Author Topic: St Jude's Armadillo Hunt-The Results are in! A deer hunt broke out along the way!  (Read 2852 times)

Offline gregg dudley

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Darren (Hackbow)and Ethan Shue are leaving PA in a few short hours to journey down south to Georgia for a little R & R. Reed and I will be meeting them tomorrow evening in Edison to commence a three day St jude's hunting adventure.  Hopefully we can get our guests on some game.  

This cool weather should trigger more daytime game movement if we are lucky.  Armadillos, deer, hogs, squirrels, and varmints are fair game.  Fun is guaranteed.  Time will pass slowly at work tomorrow as anticipation builds.

Keep your fingers crossed for our hunting party.  Ethan and Reed are both looking for their first big game bowkills.

Gregg        :archer:

Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
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Offline Over&Under

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“Elk (add hogs to the list) are not hard to hit....they're just easy to miss"          :)

Offline tradtusker

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have fun guys!    :archer:
There is more to the Hunt.. then the Horns

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Andy Ivy

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:thumbsup:     :thumbsup:    :pray:
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Whip

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Have a great time!  I'll be looking for the report  :readit:
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In the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln.

Offline laxbowman

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I cant believe dad took the other brother. Just seems unfair. Good Luck Dad and Ethan!

Offline Ringneck

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Oysters on the half shell. Enjoy   :bigsmyl:

Offline FerretWYO

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TGMM Family of The Bow

Offline Jake Allen

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Good luck, good fellowship and hunting to all!
Those whistle pigs move good right at dusk.
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Offline beachbowhunter

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Have fun Gregg!
Ishi was a Californian                   :cool:

Offline gregg dudley

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Thanks, guys!  Leaving in ten...

Full report on Monday pm!  :thumbsup:

Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
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Offline joel smith

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Just got a call from Gregg and the boys from PA have already scored ! I won't give any details, save the story-telling for Gregg to give it to you first-hand...
"...some of it's magic, some of it's tragic, but I've had a good life all the way..."
Jimmy Buffet from HE WENT TO PARIS

Offline laxbowman

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Joel's right! There is blood in Georgia.  Just got off the phone with them. I wont give many details either but from what they said its a "zoo" down there.  Just in one day they've seen everything from bobacts and coyotes to deer and hogs.  Not to mention all the tree rats.  More updates to follow!

Offline joel smith

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and it's not an armadillo...
"...some of it's magic, some of it's tragic, but I've had a good life all the way..."
Jimmy Buffet from HE WENT TO PARIS

Offline laxbowman

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Time for another update............
Day two has come and gone and there is another kill down south.  Not tellin who it was or what it was.  Hopefully tomorrow's just as good as the previous two!

Offline laxbowman

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Day Three.....

Nothin really goin today.  there was something else killed yesterday that is kinda interesting.  Guess you'll have to check back later this week.

Offline gregg dudley

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The Pennslyvania father and son team of Darren and Ethan Shue and the Florida father/son team of Reed and I managed a simultaneous arrival at our Calhoun County deer lease just after 7:30 PM on Thursday, October 1.  Our arrival afforded just enough time to exchange greetings and get the vehicles unloaded before darkness fell.  Each group had seen numerous deer on the approach to camp and excitement was high as we anticipated a great 3 day hunt.

It was quickly obvious that the Shue boys were "good folks" and any nervousness about sharing a camp with relative strangers was quickly replaced as new friendships were forged.  We spent the evening preparing our hunting gear and looking over some maps of the property. I had a day one-morning one plan to drop Reed, Darren, and Ethan off on my way to my stand on Friday.  The prospect of your first view of a piece of hunting property coming from a treestand as the sun comes up is always an exciting one for me and I could tell that the Shues were like-minded.  

On Friday morning we drove the truck out to our planned parking area and did not see a single deer along the way.  We walked about a half mile to a point where I dropped Reed off in a stand that was on the edge of a picked corn field.  I saw three armadillos as I walked back to meet up with Darren and Ethan.  Little did I know that they would be the only armadillos that I would see all weekend!

I dropped Darren off first on an acorn flat.  While we waited for Darren to get settled in his stand Ethan and I spotted a deer 40 yards away in the woods.

Then Ethan and I walked deeper into the woods to our stands.  All of the stands were proven having produced sightings and harvests in the past.  I was optimistic about the morning as I settled in a full 30 minutes before first light with the sounds of owls and other night creatures filling the woods around us.

The morning proved to produce few sightings for everone except Reed.  I struck out, Ethan saw one deer in the early morning and Darren saw a coyote.  Reed, on the other hand saw 10-15 hogs and 3 coyotes.  When he got down to meet us he stepped in the field and busted 5 rack bucks and a doe out of the field!  They had been out of sight of his stand and he had no idea that they were there.

Reed is sure that these bucks were in the group he saw:

Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
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Offline gregg dudley

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When we came out of the woods we took the time t show the Shue's around the property and tell hunting stories and anecdotes about our four year experience on the land.

Ethan on left and Reed on right in photos below:




Hog wallow:


Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
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Offline gregg dudley

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Being from Pennsylvania, Darren and Ethan were interested in trying for some hogs.  We scouted the swamp during mid-day and found abundant sign.  We moved a few ladder stands into promising areas and came out to get some lunch and to prepare for the evening hunt.  After a long travel day on Thursday the Pennsylvania boys thought a nap might be a good idea.  The Florida boys didn't need much persuasion to agree to the plan.   :)

Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
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Offline gregg dudley

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After a much needed rest we took a few practice shots on the camp deer target.  We were not the only ones who liked the target.  The neighbor's dog followed us home and spent an hour "attacking" the foam.  This dog was convinced that the target was a real animal.  It really has me thinking more aobut using a decoy.


Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
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