Steve Kendrot, they have your home state listed wrong. It shows Maryland, not Missouri! : )
My son saw one in our backyard and I'd put him up against anyone when identifying wildlife. I found a deer partially eaten and covered with leaves, sticks, and dirt AND some unusually large feline looking tracks. Now I have a BIG cat, but I believe a deer could whip his rear! Several of my neighbors have seen them as well. My next door neighbor even called and asked if it was safe for her grand daughter to walk the gravel road to the bus stop because they saw it. Now, I haven't seen one personally, but me and Perry Mason believe the circumstantial evidence warrents a bit of belief.
I didn't think the DEC would admit it because if they recognized it as a big game animal in the state, they would have to develop a management plan and they don't have the money or staff for that???