i was day dreaming a bit at work yesterday while driving when a flash of red caught my eye in the drain by the road. straight away i thought to myself, that'll be a coke can. this got me thinking and reminded me of some of the times i've been hunting and found coke cans. some places in the middle of nowhere! i often wondered how they get there. sometimes they come to rest along some remote stretch of waterway. just when you think your the 1st person to step here......coke can. :mad:
have you found strange things out there? or perhaps you've found something normal but under strange or uncanny circumstances?
i once was scrambling up a little rocky gully, making my way up to a saddle on a ridge while hunting goats. head down bum up i was, going up, when suddenly right under my nose was an old rabbit trap. just sitting on a boulder like it had been placed there. not a strange find but i was half way up a mountain in really rocky country! no rabbit in there right mind would be up there. must have been some one in earlier times perhaps using the same saddle that i was to get to the other side.
any memorable finds worth sharing?