Okay... I read the whole thing and here's my take on it.
I do NOT have any problem with someone killing a bunch of deer and giving them away. I think hunters for the hungry and food pantry donations are a great boon to the overall reputation of hunters in general and I wish I was in a position to donate a couple deer per year myself. I have in the past accepted deer from friends who had shot them and didn't want them.
However... What I do have a problem with is going out and killing a deer with no intentions of using it in any way regardless of whether you find someone who wants it or not. If you go back and read again, it started out that this guy came into a shop and asked if anyone wanted a deer he'd shot. So far so good but what if nobody wants it? He said that it'd be "coyote food". Why? Because he was being lazy. Had a sob story that he had to go to work or something like that. Again, PROBLEM.
What I'm getting at is basic responsibility.
If you kill a deer and don't want to eat it then you have a responsibility to see that it does not go to waste. As someone else said above, it's the law in most states.
Steve H., You asked : "So only the killer of game should be able to eat it?"
"Sorry, honey but I killed it so you don't get any! I know you cooked it but you now the rules....none for you either little Billy!"
I think maybe you're making a joke? Of course animal meat is not limited to consumption only by those who kill it. I don't think that was the point most people were trying to make. The idea is just that it doesn't go to waste.
Like you said: "Who cares who eats it just so somebody does!" But coyotes don't count in my book.
I don't think most people have any problem whatsoever with people giving away meat. It's when a guy is trying to unload a dead carcass so that HE doesn't have to do the work or spend the money to process it himself. That's all this one was about. The guy shot a deer, didn't want it. Tries to give it away either because he doesn't like the meat or doesn't want to do the work involved. Now, if he was persistent about finding someone to take it "as is" I'm still okay with it if he's successful but it dang sure can make a bad impression to have a guy standing in a store, bar or where ever trying to "get rid of" a deer just so he can go try to kill another one tomorrow morning. If the guy can't find somebody on short notice to take it he'd better call off from work and take care of it himself or get it into a cooler so he can do it later. Didn't sound like that was in the plan for this guy.
How about if you're on a hunt for some sort of big critter like elk or moose in a remote drop camp somewhere and you kill a big old moose about 4 miles from camp in the bottom of a draw? Don't you have the responsibility to pack the meat out? You can't find some other hunters camp and ask them "Hey, any of you guys want a moose? There's one upriver a ways you can have. I want to go shoot another one tomorrow if I can."
You shoot it, you track it. You find it, you pack it out. Give it away when you get home if you want but have some freezer space handy to use until you find a home for it.