Very lucky Paul.
I am as bad as anyone (Ok not really but I have my days) we all need to think safety. We have the equipment. We have the experience. We KNOW what can happen.
A fall restraint device won't make you superman, but it sure can save your a$$. and the rest of you too.
I have been involved with this training for a long time. My hunter ed. cadre has turned a lot of people on to harnesses. Why ? Because they are the best things going so far.
An e-mail quotes some Texas Ranger as responding to a question " why do you carry a .45. . . . cause they don't make a .46 was his answer.
We have full body harnesses that are heads and tails better than a belt and tons better than nothing at all.
Please, think about using one every single time you are more than a few feet up there.
Are they a pain. . . sure kinda. You get used to dealing with them. I guarantee the first time you fall, you will understand.
I have come out of a stand on purpose (for training others) numerous times, including on film. I KNOW what happens. It isn't pretty.
Please don't let the Gang hear that you fell and got hurt. Please don't put your family thru that.