I'm fortunate enough to have an 18' hall that I can shoot down. I have two pieces of 3/4" plywood that are each 2'X3' that I stand next to each other against the wall. Then in front of that I put my target on top of an old cat house (the kind that's covered with carpet) which raises the target about a foot off the floor. My wife is pretty understanding, and I'm sure to let her know when I'm "shootin' down the hall" so she doesn't step out unexpectedly and get nailed. Usually I hit the target and it's pretty quiet. Once in a while I'll miss and it's quite a "thunk" when the arrow hits the plywood. So far I haven't missed the plywood and shot through the wall (knock on plywood). Fortunately, the room behind the target is my utility room where I keep my various hobby equipment, so nobody would usually be in there other than me.