Yes, the bow with that setup is incredibly quiet. While JD is probably better known for his recurves, his longbows are great. With hush puppies, it's as quiet as I would ever hope for.
As far as hunting with newborn twins (a boy and girl) and a 2 year old and a 4 year old? LOL I'm not going to get to hunt much. Luckily, my property is only an hour away. When the MIL comes to stay for a week in late October, I'm hoping to get out most afternoons that week. If I can get 6 afternoon sits until rifle season, I'll be lucky and happy with that.
God help the first doe that shows up 10 yards away, because an arrow is coming her way!
We do 2.5 year old bucks and up at out camp, so any nice basket 8pt will do just fine too!
