There are lots of turkeys in the willamet valley and surrounding areas. I usually hunt 45min-1:15 from Beaverton. The ODFW has a map of turkey locations and concentrations in oregon. That is a good place to start, then simply drive around and look for good places. Be sure to emphasize you will be bow hunting. Long bow or self bows are even better. I have gotten more permission because people wanted to look at my self bow and cane arrows than anything.
I'd offer to share, however, most all land owners have specified ME only and bow only. If I break the rules I'm gone.
Good luck there are pleanty out there. I would be open to scounting some new areas near places I have access.
They will also usually give you permission for deer, bear, cougar, bobcat, coyote, grouse, quail, phesants, and rabbit.
Have fun, let me know if you want to do some "scouting" durring the season in the valley.