Got this one Friday morning. I was hunting National Forest land in north GA. After I got up my tree and it started getting daylight, I saw a bear in a white oak about 40 yards away. I watched him feed in the top of it for about 10 minutes and finally decided to climb down and sneak over there and wait for him to come down. Well, I got about half way down and made a little racket, turned around and the bear was at the base of the tree, looking straight at me. He stood there a while and just walked off. I figured my opportunity was gone so I climbed back up the tree and waited. About 15 minutes later I noticed a bear over by the same tree. After messing around for a minute he started coming straight for me. He got about 15 yards away and looked right at me, and turned and circled around. Thought he was gonna come in but he changed his mind and started to leave. I shot him at 25 yards, quartering away hard. He ran about 40 yards and died. Homemade longbow 50# @30", carbon arrows, and 200 grain woodsman elites. 500 grain t.a.w.