I'm not going to slam wheel bows like most do on here.I shoot one in addition to my trad bows because I love archery in all it's forms.I may end up taking it out for a go this season or maybe not.
My advice to you is this-
I believe it was the "advice from the old timers" thread(I THINK) where one of them said,"take shots at animals."
This is my first year back to trad after a little break.I picked the bow back up in January and practiced daily (Not every other day,EVERY day unless it was downpouring or too dark).Shot fp's,bh's, varying angles,distances,kneeling,even trying reverse cant and over the back like Terry showed us.I have a treestand set up in the yard for practice too as that's mainly where I hunt out of across the road.
Once small game seasons came in I took shots at game,taking some in the process.I wanted to turkey hunt this past spring with the curve but was 50/50 on my shooting skills at that point.Next season I have 110% confidence in myself.
This I can tell you from experience.If you've practiced form,release,and picking a spot correctly,and you have reasonable confidence in hitting your target,your concentration when shooting at a live animal is different.You'll be amazed how you do things automaticaly using your subconcience when your mind is 200% in the game and the pressure is on.
It's been said on here archery is 10% physical and 90% mental.VERY true.I find I get complacent shooting at foam constantly.You have a very different mindset when aiming on a live animal.
I had a lot of time to think on stand before I had a shot opportunity this year.Basically I told myself I will take the first good shot opportunity I get on the first legal deer that is in front of me.If it goes perfect I will live with it,and if I screw it up and wound I will live with it and do my best to make a recovery.
Well,two days into our season in VT I got my chance,and I air mailed that arrow right to the spot I picked.She went about 40 yards and death rolled.
A lot of guys miss/wound because they doubt their gear,aren't focused at the time of the shot,or they simply are unwilling to kill(although they won't admit this one).
The confidence you get from making a kill with your gear only comes from just that.You can shoot at foam all day long but you will only be to a certain level of it.
The best thing I can tell you is-
Just do it....But only you can make yourself do it.