Saturday was a cool wet day here in Wi. so when my wife told me that Sierra , my 9 year old daughter wanted to go hunting with me I was kind of surprised. She usually goes out a couple times during the season for the last 3 years or so. Well it was getting a little late so I told her she better get her camo on and we could walk out behind the house and sit in a two person ladder stand that we have set up for rifle season. As we make our way up the hill and over a small ridge to the stand I notice some good size tracks in the mud along the trial. We get to the stand and I climb up then motion to her to come up, grab her hand and get her to the seat. Now I'm thinking we might get to see a deer if were lucky, after all this is just set here to use with a long range weapon. My bow is hanging on a hook, no arrow on the string behind "Babe" thats her nickname around her. I hand her my binos and tell her if she drops them her piggy bank will a good start on replacing them and she sould look at everything that moves since the leaves are still on the trees and seeing deer will be hard. Now I don't know if two minutes had past when I see a tail flicker behind a tree about 60 yards away, I piont it out to her and she says I see it daddy its a buck! Well this deer takes a couple steps so I get a look at its head and about crap my pants. I whisper to her not to move and slowly grab my bow and stand up. The buck is coming at a steady walk angling to the trail we came in on, he goes behind a tree and I slip a arrow out of the quiver and get it on the string, at 15 yards he's behind another tree and I bring the bow up and start to draw. Now I don't know how this happens but the next second yellow feathers disapear in to his chest, he wheels around and runs back the way he came. I grab Sierra, give her a big hug and said, we just got a big buck!!! She says Daddy that the first deer you ever shot when I was with you! We waited a few minutes and snuck out of there. When we got back to the house she tells my wife Karen and son Hunter what happened, Karen said we were gone 15 minutes. After a while we go out and start tracking but have a hard time finding blood, finally Sierra finds a drop and we work our way along the trail. After 100 yards I'm starting to wonder if I didn't hit farther back than I thought. We went a little farther and the trail got a little better but not what it should look like, then we lost it. We decided to leave the trail until morning hoping the weather wouldn't get any worse, At day light we were back in the woods looking for more blood. I finally found another drop and we were on trail for about 50 yards and looked up a hill and there he laid. He went about 300 yards, running all the way with an arrow though both lungs. What a great day. And yes I have pics if one of you fine people could help me out I would gladly send them to you if you could post them, I am unable to for some reason, my computer skills are pretty limited. Thanks.