the next morning when we were heading towards the previous calling area we heard a bull start to run and was grunting. Ryan started cow calling. The bull continued to walk away slowly and was still grunting.The bull was now roughly 90 yards away and still grunting but not coming any closer. Well 10 minutes went by and we left our hiding spots and were discussing what to do next when Ryan threw out a grunt.Now the big boy was interested.He was heading our way, quickly.We quickly hid with Ryan about thirty yards behind me. The bull came out 20 yards from me and was posturing. At 10 yards he was thrashing a bush and i was looking for an opening through the hazel. No luck, it was simply too thick. Ryan could see the rear of the moose on the quad trail and thought it was going to go behind me towards the lake and catch my scent. He grunted and twacked a moose shoulder against a poplar.The bull turned and came down the quad trail. He was now 15 feet from me and broadside. It was like looking at a 4 by 8 sheet of plywood.He was huge. He was thrashing the bush in front of me and when he put his leg forward i released my arrow. The arrow struck the moose and he run 6 yards and started to pile up. I never had the chance to grab another arrow, he was already down. Ryan didn't hear the shot and was surprised to see me go into the bush after the moose.After letting him know the bull was down it was time for photos @storytelling, not to mention oodles of work. It was by far the most intense bowhunting experience i've ever had. Thanks to Ryan for the great calling and a great hunting trip.