The dirty little secret is, I think many people associate JD's craftsmanship with recurves only.
Let me tell you, his 62" Voodoostik longbow is even better than his recurves, in my opinion. And that's quite the statement.
His 62" longbow is a super bow!
I just had him make me a 62" 55@28" longbow in his premium osage and it's a top shelf longbow worthy of any other.
While not as R/D'd as many longbows today, it's quick and very quiet.
Let's put it this way, I'm still in "pre-season" mode on my backyard 3D range because my wife and I just had twin babies on September 30 (boy and a girl) and I won't be bowhunting until inlaws come for relief in a few weeks. (I know, I know, my season is screwed LOL)
But my narrowed down selections of my "go to" bow is my Thunderstick MOAB, my Toelke Whip and my new Whisperstik Voodoostik. That's how sweet this bow is. That's some darn good company as far as I'm concerned.
If you've never shot one, JD's 62"er is one great longbow if you're interested in something that isn't as R/D'd as many of the the other 62"'ers out there.
On top of it all, I defy you to find a more beautiful bow for the money.
JD's 62" longbow is a winner.