I met Brian a couple years ago thru TradGang. I read about his Grizzly hunt with his "home made" bows in one of the magazines and it inspired me quite a bit. I wanted to build my own bow and he was kind enough to answer my questions. I eventually stopped in to see him and boy am I happy I did. He is a good man and now a good friend!
On my first visit, we went out and did some stump shooting. After a while, we switched bows. At that point, my thoughts of making my own bow were eliminated and I put my order in for my first TallTines. I actually ordered two...one for my best friend, who trusted my opinion sight unseen. Those two bows are now the standard that every other recurve is compared to. The twins are our GO-TO bows because they are quiet, accurate, FAST (proven with my chrono), and gourgeous! There are a lot of very high dollar bows sitting on pegs due to the TallTines! We have another set of twins on order right now.
Here are a couple of pics. Cocobolo riser and Tulipwood vaneers. The coco is still turning a deep, dark, rich red.
Not only is Brian a great guy and bowyer, but he is a masterful taxidermist as well. I'm already on the list, so I don't mind telling you guys how fantastic these bows are