No master, believe me it's just pure determination and deer season hasn't started yet
These birds came like they hadn't heard another turkey in weeks! I think there was about 7 of them, but to be honest I don't know 'cause I was concentrating on the first bird that pulled up at about 15yds and kept walking in slow till it was at about 10yds.
My plan was to let them all come in, to see what else showed up, because I knew there were some gobblers around.
But a turkey at 10yds. was more that I could take and arrow and string were in the air. With a loud "crack", it dropped,flopped...then stopped.
Then a couple more came right in, and I debated shooting another, but two things kept me from ending my season right there.
One, I didn't have my tracker attached to another arrow yet, and two, I really wanted to get a gobbler with my second tag.
Eventually, my bird started flopping around and tumbled down the hill to my left. That was enough to send all the other birds back where they'd come from. When I got out of the blind, this is what I saw over the hill......
I went and recovered the bird, but it took another shot to finish. Somehow the arrows had just broke the near wing and cut across the top of it's back, and never made it into the body cavity. Ya just never know what's gonna happen when you release an arrow at a turkey.......
My "sticshooter" knife that will be used and probably abused all season.....
A satisfying walk .....