Since I've just gotten my pic posting problems straightened out.....I can finally share some pix that I've been wanting to for a while now....
Let's start way back on Labor Day weekend....
I had a great weekend planned. Saturday after noon, Cade and I planned on joining our good friends Tim and Gary Kosteczko on a camping/fishing/bowfishing weekend.Then Monday, morning go to a trad only 3D shoot with Dad and Cade!
Saturday morning I woke up as usual before daylight, ate breakfast, checked TG and when I went to the sink to put my bowl in....
I looked out the window over the sink into the back yard and there he nemesis!
The woodchuck that has been giving me fits all summer! I mean I'd tried so many times to kill this woodchuck by sneaking up on him, it wasn't funny anymore. My wife and kids were even to point of laughter. This thing was making a fool of me!
My wife even commented to me after one of my failed attempts..."some hunter you are"
I normally wouldn't be so set on killing something basically in my backyard, but this one and the other before him had dug so many holes under my shed, that it was actually sinking on one side. Couple that with the fact that, I was having such a time killing him...I was getting like Bill Murry in Caddyshack! The "gopher" had to die!
I was even to the point that I would have shot him with a gun, but no way in my neighbourhood....
So anyway, I looked out and immediately put my plan into action. I grabbed my bow and quiver full of Snuffers, and my DB blind...
The plan was to walk out, let him see me, set the blind up, and wait him out. I knew the pears that were falling off the trees in my backyard would be enough to draw him back out before long.
Well he did just what I thought when he saw me, and I quickly set the blind, nocked an arrow, and sat on my stool.....
I'd only been sitting there for about 15 minutes when I saw his head pop out....but he came up out of a hole that was between the boards of the ramp that I drive my mower into the shed with...hmmmmm....
Slowly I reach for my bow, but he sure was cautious. Over the next few minutes, he was still just barely peeking out above the ground, between the 2x8's.....
It took a solid ten minutes for about half of his body to come above ground. I had already decided that would sacrifice and arrow into the shed if need be. I was thinking if I hit him right in the chest, I could actually pin him right to the shed. Then there would be no way he could get back in his hole......
I couldn't believe how my heart was pounding as I drew "Timex", my 62# Kwyk Styk...
I released, and in a flash, the arrow was gone, and he started his descent, but he wasn't quick enough......
You can see why my shot had to be right on the money or things could have gone real bad.....
My nemesis and very worthy opponent....
Maybe not a "real hunt", but a good way to start out my weekend!
Up next...the camp out/fishing/bowfishing trip....