Ooooooo moose stew on a cold night (well cold by Texas standards) was so good.
You could not ask for a pretty week end to hunt. Weather was wonderful. The deer improvement Gil is working on is indeed working. I saw the nicest buck I have ever been close enough for a shot. I didn't mind passing at all becuase I can't wait to see what is gonna be like over the next few yrs. This was the first time I had really been involved with taking required measurements on a deer. the data also required the jaw lower jaw bone. actually that was the frist time I had taken the jaw bone out. Easiest way was using a big pair of branch cutters. Jaw bones are designed to stay put.
If you are one of the bowhunters that shoot at the heart to hit the heart, ya must not live in center or nothern Texas. at 20 yds a good Texas doe hears the shot no matter how quite your bows is. she can pick the arrow flight before the arrow gets there. Let me assure you she is moving
story to follow. that dnag Wingnut is on a roll. I think this is the 4th or 5th one in a row.