Gotta a love hunting those TX Bucks!!!
Folks that have never hunted TX Deer don't know they are a whole different species...they live in fight or flight mode 24/7. I've been lucky enough to hunt there for about 6 years, and I didn't even shoot the 1st year. But I 'shot low' the next two and got humbled at their ducking/leaning/wheeling maneuvers.
I finally decided where I needed to aim, and I've taken an 8 and two 10's since, along with several does. You chose a good head to go with Buff as they are always moving targets. I also use big heads and aim UNDER the deer and about 3 inches farther back than I do on 'regular' deer....and they 99% of the time drop/lean right into it. I have had one doe just stand there....but those are far from the norm.
I've even shot one from 15 foot up and 15 yards away that the EXIT wound was 2 inches HIGHER than the entrance. And if you shoot one broadside most likely it will be quartering away when the arrow arrives. I shot slap through one just like you did that went 500 yards as well....straight back to the bedding area it came out off...he never let up till he got to that cedar thicket and he was lying just inside it. Also shot through one last year that wheeled so fast the arrow broke and the Bhead half of the shaft came back toward my tree!!!!,....yep, it was lying half way between my tree and the imact point. TX deer are bizerk!!!
I never take quartering away shots as the arrow will parralel the deer...yep, did that twice on does and quit taking that shot.
Also, for those that have never hunted TX deer, don't expect your perfect shot to result in a normal recovery distance. Living in the panic mode, these deer travel MUCH farther than 'normal' deer on the same lethal hit. That's something that 1st time TX hunters find out real quick and comment on usually on the 2nd day of helping track several deer. And those deer can cover open TX terrain pretty fast leaving little sign....another reason for big bheads on TX deer.
Sorry for the ramble....but I really love hunting TX every year, and its a whole different ball game for sure....Congrats Buff!!! and thanks for sharring.