Nice shot, Buff. Looks like you might have hunted them Tejas deer afore!!! I've never seen anything like it. They're kinda like a squirrel on meth, LOL! I saw the deer that Terry shot....broadhead went in one side and came out 2" higher on the exit and the shot was from a treestand. That deer had to turn, drop and roll, all in a millisecond. They're something. I also agree on your head choice, bigger the better in Tejas. These definitely ain't the same deer we hunt in Virginia, Bama and Gawga. And, when they blast out of there after the shot, they can run hundreds of yards without having to dodge a tree, bush or anything lots of times, and they can travel..........Oh, and you guys going to Solana for the first time this year, whatch Buff's video till you can do it....SHOOT LOW.....