I am not trying to be argumentative, however:
I am sorry but there is no conspiracy with the DEC and the researchers. I personally know some of them myself. Besides, it is not in their interest to lie. Most of the researcher are graduate students who are determined to know the truth. Besides, you can get more than 2 civil servant to agree on anything let alone a conspiracy, I can attest to that.
If coyotes killed so many deer than why are there so many does and fawns each year? In addition, why would a coyote work to kill a deer and potentially get hurt when it could kill something much easier. There is a cost benefit analysis.
Besides, I guarantee that hunters are not reporting all they kill. I was in a sport shop several years ago and a guy was bragging that he shot 17 does. He was escorted out of the shop by the owner and called a slob and a few other choice words.
So again, if coyotes are so successful and kill as many deer as hunters, than 500,00 deer a year die in NY plus 30,000 from car accidents ... in total (250,000 + 250,000 + 30,000) 530,00 certainly not realistic.
It is easy to villainize and scape coyotes ... "when after all it was you and me."
Lastly, I have yet to get one with a bow. They are great sport and each time I have failed, I have more respect for the evasive and elusive abilities.
... and each year I have less respect for hunters based upon what I see and hear.
Happy hunting.