Thanks Nocams, that's what I was hoping for. It is a fact that if we don't share it, our sport (or way of life) will cease to exist.
Several years ago we started a club here with the intention of learning and teaching ourselves and then others skills like knapping, bow building, making cordage, and fire starting, along with hunting skills. At the initial meeting I ask the question, "Do you think that we should have a youth program in the beginning?" Everyone present (more then 20 people) said "yes". They agreed that youth must be involved in order for traditional archery to survive. When the question was ask, "Would anyone be willing to be responsible for a youth program?" there was a noticable silence in the room.
That seems to be the dilemma. Everyone thinks that there should be youth programs but few people have time to volunteer. That's what this thread is about, to encourage more participation. I have found (as many of you probably have) that there is usually more then enough pleasure to compensate for the work involved.
Here are several of the kids who shoot here in the shop.