Wow, back from fishing and Im exhausted but still managed to get on TG.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I had the hardest time falling asleep last night...kept replaying it all over and over.
Im glad I got my deer, but Im upset about the way it went down. I guess that is why it is called hunting...
I never really checked out the vitals, as they were torn up from my second on the fly running shot. No holds barred...he was hit and hit hard so I took what I could and managed to connect.
I think the main issue was the steep angle. I nicked the forward end of the paunch, and the result was a clogged wound channel...The BH actually went into his foreleg on the opposite it was a "vital" hit for sure. Nonetheless, I learn something each time I hit the woods, and this was a hard and valuable lesson. Perhaps if I waited a bit longer for a better angle....but they say hindsight is 20/20. I think in the future, this lesson will be remembered.
A neat little buck, one I will always remember. I typically pass on bucks like this, but this year I resolved to take a deer, and I swore to take any legally antlered deer that presented a shot. I can already guess what will happen later this season. Some sort of close encounter with one of a bruisers I have been watching...
No sleep, a hard day of hard core fishing and a very long drive have me just about incoherrent. I did manage to miss my limit by only one fish today, so all in all, an outstanding weekend.
Rick, no I have yet to make a string to the proper length. LOL.
Joe, I didnt notice when I dressed him out. His body cavity was full of blood, and I cant imagine a Razorcap going through the area it did without atleast hitting one lung....
David, that is one fine quiver. It might have been the deciding
By the way, my tracking party reported the tender loins were delicious. I like to pay my help.
Again, thanks for all the kind words.