artifaker1, actually, two of my bows are using 14 strand strings without padded loops. The Shakespeare does have the 6 strand with 12 in the loops because a gentleman made them for it as an experiment. The quietest and most behaved bow of the three, is the 72' Bear Mag. Takedown.
It has a 14 strand, flemish twist, padded loops. It is much quieter on the loose (release) with this string than with a 14 strand dacron. And, it is quiet enough to hunt with with just two sets of B-50 for silencing material. See...I still like dacron.
The Shakespeare shoots very well with the "skinny" string and padded loops. I suppose the less mass in the string does lessen the impact of the shot. But it also shoots well with a D-97, 14 strand, and a 12 strand dacron.
The biggest advantage I see is the quietness of the bow during the shot process...and I don't mean string noise, per se'. The bow is much more pleasant....dead in the hand, if you will.
The additional, overall performance comes from the more efficient transfer of energy to the arrow. Good grief....I can't believe I just said that 8^).
Now please....don't run to the cabinet and change all your old bows to fastflight material. I'm doing this knowing there could be issues, and I don't have a lot of money involved in these it's "my choice" to do this. Every week of shooting will tell me either Yea or Nay. This can't be done in a week or a month.