MAN! whatta welcome wagon rite. Thanx ya'll, sure nuff. FLETCHER: I live about 100 miles east of the hillbilly hollywood, in the Mt. Eagle area. KILLDEER: when I got the bow the finish was in bad shape, I sanded just enuf to remove it and no more,took my time. I thought about a camo finish but figured it would take a lot away from it.
I enjoy tinkerin with it, it just feels good to shoot it, you can hear a little plunk from the string then a swish of feathers in flight.
So far only thing I've took time to hunt with it is squirrels, didnt bring any home but it was fun anyway. Ther was 5 or 6 diggin acorns from the ground, I drew down and released, missed, it hit the tree behind him and they all feeze for about half a minute then go back to work, I got off 2 shots before dark. it's like ther thinkin " I've never heard a tree make a noiselike that ".
Like some one said,addictive.