I've dealt with trespassing scum for several years. Chased them off more than once. Had stands stolen, had law enforcement out to confiscate trespassers stands. Been threatened,lied to and had guns pointed at me.
I now keep both the county Conservation Officers phone numbers in my cell phone, and always have it with me. I also now always carry my sidearm conealed on me, just in case. When a trespassers starts pointing weapons, that changes the rules.
The property is posted, when they havent torn the signs down.
If I encounter one, I dont care if they are trailing a deer, looking for their dog, or a place to pee, they're breakin the law. I immediately photogtraph them with my cell phone, the first time from a distance if I can.
I have also played a trick to get their weapon from them ( gun season). I'll play dumb, make small talk, and compliment them on their gun, ask to look it over. Then I jam the muzzle into the mud, unload it and escort them to the fence. Any complaints, I threaten to wrap it around a tree and I call the CO. End of problem.
Left a note on another fella treestand on a fenceline telling him hes trespassing, and that the barbed wire is not the property line. Gave him a week to move his stand. WHen I checked, the note was gone, and the stand was still there. I dropped the tree with a chainsaw, right on the stand. Never did see that fella again.
Over the years the word has gotten out at the trespassing scumbag club that the guy (me) on my place is crazy, and he's the only one with permission to hunt it. Dont get caught in there.....

I've been friends of the owner for 36 years, I can do what I want .