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Author Topic: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!  (Read 2511 times)

Online Keefer

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2009, 05:27:00 PM »
Just came up with a great idea to keep Tresspasser's off your property...Get yourselves a Big ,Nasty, Foam Spittin,Greasy, dirt kickin, Pawin "Chewwawa" I meant something bigger of coarse and Make him stay gaurd at what ever is sitting in your stand or the tree...Post a sign that says If you think you can outrun "Hercules" my dog if you Tress pass on my Property then good luck to you cause the last few fella's that did couldn't make it back to their truck in time...Go ahead Punks make my Doggy's Day!Feeling Lucky?  :scared:

Offline jcar315

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2009, 05:31:00 PM »
I had a guy "skulking" around our PA property during gun season. Somehow he didn't see me wearing my orange until he finally really looked my way and all I did was point back up the hill and he left.

When people have guns instead of bows......situation can get touchy.

We put up lots of posted signs when we first bought the place that way the "locals" knew it wasn't abandoned anymore. Seemed to work....maybe they knew when we were there and stayed away.

Very tough pill to swallow when you pay $$$ for your own hunting ground and someone just walks on.
Proud Dad to two awesome Kids and a very passionate pig hunter.

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Proud to be a Native TEXAN!!!!!

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Offline Brian Krebs

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2009, 05:59:00 PM »
Again - solutions from all over the country; all with different laws ....

 Check your state laws; and abide by them. Here in Idaho; you have to post private property; it has to be posted in a specific way; or it means nothing.
 For instance: a 'NO HUNTING' sign means nothing.
The trespassing law here is about trespassing; not hunting; hunting is legal in Idaho; a sign that says 'NO HUNTING' is as meaningless as a sign that says 'NO BREATHING' or 'NO LOOKING'.

  If you harm someone or arrest them; for doing something that is legal.. under your state law; you might have to kiss goodbye the land you own: to pay for the fines.

 So - check your laws; and then call and report trespassers under its control.

 Do understand that most sheriffs are elected; and being elected they owe favors to people. A favor might be employing as a deputy - a person that is unwilling to do any paperwork; or work; or they might not want to 'get involved' at all.
 If that happens - talk to the sheriff; and then if that fails; talk to your states Attorney General; and then after you realize what the word 'politics' means; write your local newspaper or tv station and create a mess that cannot be ignored.
  How would you like it if your picture- while you were trespassing- from a trail cam: was put on a full page of a newspaper- complaining about trespassers?
 How about a word for word ( from a hidden tape recorder) account- of what the officer responding: said about a trespasser you have a picture of on your land ?

 People died to get us our freedoms; you might have to break a sweat- to make sure their deaths were not in vain.

 Either put out the effort or run away.

I can tell you; if I bought some hunting land somewhere; I would find out who has been hunting the land legally; and if that person is a decent person; I would live with their presence; and have him or her work with me: to keep trespassers out.    :thumbsup:

Offline dan d

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2009, 06:42:00 PM »
I thought this was just a Michigan problem ! Sounds like we are not alone, I spend so much time being quiet, keep human oder to a minimum, make up mock scrapes and then it all gets ruined by tresspasers. I was so mad one opening day when my hunt was ruined (on private posted land that I paid for !) that I was ready to join the anti hunters figuring if I cannot hunt in peace and quiet, to heck with it, we might as well get rid of the sport, I have calmed down from that thinking, I go hunting to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet, and calm down my high blood pressure, That day my blood pressure would peg the needle ! if the  sport goes the way of tresspassing bums and poachers, which we have a lot of here, what's the enjoyment of it ? Michigan is so broke we cannot enforce the laws anymore, cannot afford DNR officers,  Hmmmm...... Maybe if our politicians could figure out they could make money off of tresspassing fines we might get somewhere in this state, our govenor is so desperate for money, I need to send her an email explaining how much she could make if they had stiff tresspassing fines and enforced them LOL
Compton member & Michigan Traditional Bowhunter member.

Offline Jeff Roberts

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2009, 06:52:00 PM »
Private land is just that, PRIVATE. In Ga land doesn't have to be posted but it does make prosecution easier. If it ain't yours then stay off it. I can't believe some states are as lax on trespassers as they are. Problem is laws have let those with no respect for others get a break. Just don't do it here cause if and when we catch you, we gotcha!!!  I hunt a farm in Illinois and the local law enforcement asked us to post it this year. Makes their job easier. That and game cams!!
Living and hunting with a traditional mindset.

Offline onewhohasfun

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2009, 07:10:00 PM »
I am going thru a big hassle right now. My neighbor lets two guys hunt and they put their stands 260 ft. off the prop. line. The stands are right on the fence facing the wrong way, 30yds. from my corner. They are the ones in the WRONG and my neighbor is making me out to be the bad guy! In Michigan it is almost impossible to prosecute tresspassers. Caught red-handed they still get only a warning for first offense. Ruined my weekend and probably my season. Ever hear the term SSS!

Offline razorsharptokill

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2009, 07:16:00 PM »
Sad, if you piss them off then they hold a grudge and tear your stuff up. When you do some thing about it then You are the bad guy???  Sad times these are.
Jim Richards

USMC 84-88
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Offline Three Arrows

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2009, 08:12:00 PM »
bb gun

Offline razorsharptokill

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2009, 08:36:00 PM »
Yeah then they set your truck on fire while your hunting, or worse bring a real gun into the mix.
Jim Richards

USMC 84-88
Oklahoma Army National Guard 88-89
USMCR 89-96 Desert Storm
Oklahoma Air National Guard 2002- present. Operation Iraqi Freedom 2005(Qatar) and 2007(Iraq),
Operation New Dawn Iraq 2011,
Operation Enduring Freedom 2018 Afghanistan.
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Offline blind one

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2009, 08:52:00 PM »
We hunt private land. The land owners son , my fiancee and myself are the only ones that have permission. We went out last week and somebody had moved my fiancee's blind. It wasnt the owners son or us. I guess we were lucky they didnt steal it, but just the fact that they had the guts to move it is crazy. We put it back and rebrushed it. Now there are 2 trail cams hid just to try and see who is sneaking in....Roy
"To die is nothing. One is here, One is no longer here. It is only at the end one must be able to say 'I was a man'"...

Offline The Vanilla Gorilla

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #30 on: October 19, 2009, 09:18:00 PM »
Originally posted by razorsharptokill:
Yeah then they set your truck on fire while your hunting, or worse bring a real gun into the mix.
Which has been known to happen a few times during the seasons.  

Jim, did they at least acknowledge your fine ability to build a longbow??

If you run across that truck again, make note of that tag...I know a good Creek Lighthorseman officer who can have a talk with them.

Offline Autumnarcher

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2009, 10:30:00 PM »
I've dealt with trespassing scum for several years. Chased them off more than once. Had stands stolen, had law enforcement out to confiscate trespassers stands. Been threatened,lied to and had guns pointed at me.

I now keep both the county Conservation Officers phone numbers in my cell phone, and always have it with me. I also now always carry my sidearm conealed on me, just in case. When a trespassers starts pointing weapons, that changes the rules.

The property is posted, when they havent torn the signs down.

If I encounter one, I dont care if they are trailing a deer, looking for their dog, or a place to pee, they're breakin the law. I immediately photogtraph them with my cell phone, the first time from a distance if I can.

I have also played a trick to get their weapon from them ( gun season). I'll play dumb, make small talk, and compliment them on their gun, ask to look it over. Then I jam the muzzle into the mud, unload it and escort them to the fence. Any complaints, I threaten to wrap it around a tree and I call the CO. End of problem.

Left a note on another fella treestand on a fenceline telling him hes trespassing, and that the barbed wire is not the property line. Gave him a week to move his stand. WHen I checked, the note was gone, and the stand was still there. I dropped the tree with a chainsaw, right on the stand. Never did see that fella again.

Over the years the word has gotten out at the trespassing scumbag club that the guy (me) on my place is crazy, and he's the only one with permission to hunt it. Dont get caught in there.....   :readit:   I've been friends of the owner for 36 years, I can do what I want .
...stood alone on a montaintop, starin out at a great divide, I could go east, I could go West, it was all up to me to decide, just then I saw a young hawk flyin and my soul began to rise......

Offline crookedwoody

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2009, 10:35:00 PM »
yea i love those fence sitters too.they have 185 acres to hunt and where do they sit, right on the line facing us.got into it with them a few years back.they were actually gonna put stands on our property.but they seen me in the tree,turned around and walked out into field to talk about it.so i climbed down and talked to them[things i better not say here].lets just say we came to an understanding.but they still hunt close,just not on fence.  :banghead:    :banghead:    :banghead:

Offline wapitimike1

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2009, 05:30:00 AM »
The Beauty of it is. Once there caught they feel like some how there getting screwed. After about two weeks or so you should find all your stands and othere stuff gone. At least that's the way it worked for me. They took three stands and sticks!!

Offline Stone Knife

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2009, 05:37:00 AM »
I agree with Biggie, someone stole the pins and ratchet strap off one of my ladder stands on my property. Doing this caused an unsafe condition with the stand, I have spoke with my neighbor and he is going to watch my back and I'll watch his, if we catch any trespassers we will prosecute. Nothing like having to look your stands over good in the dark to make sure there still safe the next day   "[dntthnk]"
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Offline kodiakkid

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2009, 05:51:00 AM »
Originally posted by razorsharptokill:
Yeah then they set your truck on fire while your hunting, or worse bring a real gun into the mix.

They need to be aware around here that they aren't the only ones with a gun   :D
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Offline Buckeye Trad Hunter

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2009, 05:53:00 AM »
It's ridiculous that people actually get anfry when you catch them doing something that they know they're not supposed to be doing and act like it's your fault. I guess it's just like everything else nowadays though, it's always someone else's fault and God forbid you hurt some scumbags feelings then you're the bad guy again.

Offline ALW

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2009, 09:25:00 AM »
My buddy went to a piece of property that his boss owns to hunt yesterday.  He and one other person are the only ones that have permission to hunt it.  It's fenced along the road with a locked gate and a ton of no tresspassing signs.  He tends wells on the property and has the key to the gate.

He has a pop up blind set up there and a few treestands.  His boy killed a deer out of the blind the opening day this year.  Anyway, he gets there and there is a truck parked at the gate almost blocking his entrance.  He goes through the gate and sees a pop up blind set up in the field.  He goes to the blind and no one is in it.  He decides to go ahead an head to his blind to hunt the evening.  When he gets there the owner of the truck is in HIS blind hunting.  He asked the guy what he was doing and if he knew whose property he was on.  He gave my buddy some BS story about some relative had sold the property to the current owner (whose name he gave was not the current owner) and he had lifetime hunting rights to it.  My buddy informed him in so many words that he was tresspassing and to get out of there.  He got the guys name and number (if they were real) and walked the guy off the property.  He called the real land owner and he said he had never heard of this guy in his life and didn't know who this person was that he had supposedly bought the property from.

Totally amazing to me that someone would come onto posted property and get in someone elses blind!  The guy had been there all day and tromped all over the property "hunting".  To make matters worse he said he shot a button buck earlier and couldn't find it!  Apparently he decided not to look too hard for it and just keep hunting.  It's no wonder you can't get permission to hunt private property any more!  I can't even imagine doing something like that.  Unfortunately it's slobs like this that give hunters a bad name and really limit property access.


Offline lpcjon2

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2009, 10:30:00 AM »
In Southern Jersey people will hunt in your stand. To help with this I would print a letter that stated "This stand is used for the purpose of deer observation and field work any trespassers will be prosecuted.This area is under remote video and satelite surveillance." I would copy and paste a letter head from fish and game at paste it on top.Laminate it and hang in at the bottom of my tree.Then you buy the imitation video cameras and hang one on the top above your stand and one in a tree close to your stand. I have not had a problem since.It scares the crap out of them.The thought of being on video.
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Offline razorsharptokill

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Re: Busted two guys sneeking into my spot!
« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2009, 10:34:00 AM »
Imagine walking into some ones back yard and pulling up a chair on their patio or swimming in their pool. Same thing.

Why do people think it is ok to walk onto private (private being the operative word here) and do as they please?
Jim Richards

USMC 84-88
Oklahoma Army National Guard 88-89
USMCR 89-96 Desert Storm
Oklahoma Air National Guard 2002- present. Operation Iraqi Freedom 2005(Qatar) and 2007(Iraq),
Operation New Dawn Iraq 2011,
Operation Enduring Freedom 2018 Afghanistan.
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