I've had a slow start on the Deer season. Well this weekend the Gods of the hunt put me where I needed to be to harvest two whitetail does. When I got to where I wanted to hunt Saturday morning low and behold a compounder had the same idea. I backed out to another little ridge and set up. The guy did me a favor as I saw 12 deer. I took a 22 yard broadside shot on my first deer. She went ~150 yards and piled up near my best Bud Two Hats. Here she is:
I've been bowhunting over 25 years. In those years I've attempted to take a whitetail from the ground many times. I never have done it. One of my goals this year was to do this. I hunted Sat. evening in my Leafy Suit sitting in a creek bottom. I had a obvious fence crossing ~15 yards away. I was snugged up to a deadfall with my butt on the bank. Well, it was almost in self defence when I shot her at 7 yards. She had crossed a pasture and jumped the fence into my lap. My shot was a in the back of the lungs such that I punctured the liver and gut. I backed out and found her ~100 yards Sun. morning. I almost tripped over her I was so intent on the blood trail. Here she is:
Shafer Silvertip Longbow 53@28, 64", Gold Tip 55-75 29.5" , Woodsman 150gr screw in. ~475gr total. The bow shoots ~188 with a 16 strand D97 string using wool silencers. (Thanks A.S)
Man I need to go back to work and get some rest...... Jeff