what a night, one of the best i have had while hunting. was sitting and a stand that i allways see deer in when the wind is right, which it was, VERY high but in the right direction. at 5:30 i see a little button buck walk out and head my way slowly. same one i passed on yesterady. i say to myself, I AM HUNGRY and the green light goes off, i know i want to take him. took him 20 minutes to close to 20 yards. i have my stand set up for a 5-10 yard shot with branches tight to my right making a shot immposible untill they hit the 5-10 yard zone. at 6:00 i see a BIG doe and small one step out and head towards the button. 20 yards....15....10...7... just a frew more steps and and i envision button buck chops on the grill! i the feel the wind hit my neck as it swirls, all 3 stop and nose's in the wind, they can't peg me but are nervous. it is now 6:15 still good light. i have been burning holes in these deer without turning anywheres. all 3 are now staring past me and the big doe is head bobbing, i can't figure it out as the wind is good again. i then here ARRRGHHH..... ARUPPPPPPP. i slowly turn my head and see a BIG bidied spike horn with his head down trotting towards the other 3. well let me tell ya he wanted some action and was chasing all 3 back and forth ALLMOST giving me shots several times! i figured for sure on one of these swings i would get my chance. now he is walking behind the young doe who is coming right under me, this is it, i ready for the shot! the wind hits my neck and he stops dead at 10 yards straight on. stomps his foot, blows and all 4 high tail it back in the woods. SOOOOOO CXLOSE!!! this was one of the best times i have ever had in the woods. 90% of the time i hunt hard woods where you never get to see a show like this. i was a winner today! what a day!