Fishing rigs can get you into trouble in waters that are closed to bow fishing, are too heavy and you don't need to have a string on the arrow.
OK Use whatever shaft you would for small game, I like the gold tip 5575, they are cheap, strait and tough. Any stamped broad head works great you want top cut a BIG hole, ducks are tons harder to kill than you think. 3 and 4 Fletch arrows don't fit the legal definition of Flu Flu in some ares. What I use is 6 51/2 inch shields they are faster than full feathers but still don't travel far enough to be a safety issue. When they hit the water they float strait up and down with the fletching waving in the air like a flag easy to find and retrieve. Boat regs apply to any boat your using to hunt from and are not limited to "sculling" or "duck boats".
Learn too call and put out a set, learn to call and put out a set, learn to call and put out a set!
Even the shot gunners I hunt with from time to time agree that taking a duck on the water with a bow is fair chase. Look carefully at your regs ares closed to shot gunners do to there proximity to homes, roads and people in general will be open to you, it's tough calling in birds close enough for an archery harvest when they have been pounded by shot gunners all day.
Good luck you're taking your first steps into one of the funnest areas of bow hunting there is!