Check out some of the advertiseres on this site, three rivers, kustom king and thers more, pick thru ther stuff and it'll give you some food for thuoght. As far as fletch'n your own arrows it's a lot of fun, I gotta old JO-JAN jig that does one feather at time, it's slow but works fine. Get some junk arrows or pieses that are long enuff to pratice on till you get the hang of how your jig does best, that way your not have'n to strip and clean your good ones. Pay attention to the amount uf glue you use, (if you go this route) if it gets all over your feathers will be stuck to the jig.
Right wing vs left wing, I'm right handed and for some reason I shoot a left wing fletching more accurate, dont know why but it works for me, have heard that it works that way for others also, ut also heard it dont matter so you may want to try and shoot a few arrows of each and try what works for you.
As far as the tape goes I have no hands on with it I cant honestly say. The best way is to get out and just try stuff, it'll help more than anything, cant beat hands on experience.