Dumped a doe tonite. Didn't take my time with the shot, had all the time in the world. She was quartered hit her in the last rib and exited about four inches behind the off side leg. Figured a solid liver shot and gave her some time.Got down to see the carnage and there was none. Some snow on the ground helped with the track job. A spot of blood at 25 yrds and then some at about 50, then none. Realization set in that I had a shot into the salad. Stood and pondered the next move and turned around to see the doe not far away, dead? Apon the autopsy, entering the cavity I had a fountain of blood pouring out of the hole. sorted thru the mess and could not find any holes in the liver or offside lung. Mystery? The Woodsman did the job! Thanks to a good BH