... saw this thread a few days ago - but thought I stay clear, as I dont know a thing about Turkish Bows - well, with a myriad of TTT's I finally may say something:
Spend the small money you have in some good literature and a few tools and start making bows for your own. For every TTT you can produce a big pile of shavings - and before long - you have a servicable bow, if you are lucky ...!
Please use the correct nomenclature. A Turkish Bow is a horn composite. If you are lucky, you may find one second hand for less then $2000. Maybe Edward McEwen is still making them, or his Krim-Tatar? The later is pictured below (out of my old catalog) and was available over here about the year you are born - for 3500DM. Since then almost everthing has the same price tag, but reads in Euro nowadays. So to gestimate Dollar, take this number x1.4 = $4900.-
I have a friend who build horn composit bows and they are shooting okay and looking pretty neat. But have a tendency to produce cracking sounds during the draw, due to the thick sinew layer etc. Nothing you'll need in hunting.
If you can find a copy, you may want to read the following book (I paid only $115 for mine):
KLOPSTEG, P.E. (1947): Turkish Archery and the Composit Bow. – 187 p., 52 figs.; Evanston (Klopsteg).