Thanks for the congrats. I shot my buck right at dark on Friday night. i hunt a suberb of Cleveland Ohio and was sitting on the ground overlooking a 10 acre overgrown field that lays in the middle of three housing developments and Route 8 which is a 6 lane highway. The weather that night was not very good for hunting, we had 7k0 degree temps and the wend was out of the south at @ 25 mph. At this location I usually see at least 7 to 10 deer every time I am out but this night this was the only deer I saw. I was just getting ready to leave my stand area when I glassed the field 1 last time and saw movement 70 yards away I ran to my bow and picked up my grunt tube and let loose with 4 quick grunts. The buck turned direction and came right into one of my shooting lanes at 26 yards slightly quartering to me. The deer ran @ 30 yards and bedded down , I watched him for about a min and he got up and walked another 50 yards laid down and died, I took out the right lung and liver. Saturday morning we took him to get checked in and then to a friend meat cutting plant to get weighed, on certified scales he weighed in at 237 lbs dressed by far my biggest deer to date.