Darn computer keys...hit the button accidentaly!
Since I know Connie and Gary do not participate in any forums, I got a hold of her today and sent her the links to the threads I saw Larry had started so she could see how we were trying to help. She is going thru her clinicals right now for her new medical career and it involves a lot of studying, exams, and working at the hospital till 1:30 a.m., so she is not getting in much hunting right now and certainly does NOT have time to come in here and follow along!
She asked me to post the following following for her:
To my traditional bowhunting family.......WOW -- you guys are amazing - I'm touched and humbled at the outpouring of support! Seems like that is how the traditional community works - someone asks for help and help floods in from every direction. THANK YOU seems too small of a phrase to adequately express my appreciation. I read through all the posts - I am truly honored by the kind words on my writing and hunting -- Gary and I are just regular "joes" who happen to love traditional archery and bowhunting. Some of the posts made me laugh and others tugged at the old heart strings -- to my fellow NWA friend -- I hope you are right about leaving the "flying world" being the best thing that could happen - it's been a tough road through school but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I guess in the end - someone will win this thing so wouldn't it be great to have the traditional world represented -- THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!!!! Connie