Please take the time to read page 16 and page 18 of this thread. You will see Connie does not want to win by anything less than ethical means.
Obviously the video company wants people to visit thier website. They are definitely getting something out of this. We can get something out of it too...the point is, Connie is a great ambassador for us, traditional bowhunters, and if we can help her win, we know she will show us in a positive light.
I just looked up the vote and Connie has fallen behind by almost 4%. Like I said, we are not going to help her here unless people start getting the word OUT.
You know, Connie did not want to do this in the first place. She is not doing it for herself. She's taken all the animals offered on the hunt..BIG ones at that. She's doing it to promote traditional bowhunting. Voting for this contest is something that takes very little time and effort and it is a shame more folks can't take a few minutes to help promote something they love.
Thanks though to all that are helping, and to those that are not--take a few minutes and lend a hand!