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Hitting Ribs!!!!!
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Topic: Hitting Ribs!!!!! (Read 1569 times)
the longbowkid
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 372
Hitting Ribs!!!!!
November 02, 2009, 08:34:00 PM »
I shot my first trad deer about a week ago, but wouldn't ya know I hit a rib and so long doe! how do you not hit ribs more often? they cover the whole vitals, so I guess it's just luck weather you do or not. please give your oppinion
also, here's a pic or rib structure
lm :confused:
Anneewakee Addiction longbow 56" 50@28
"too many people live under the misguided impression that death is the worst possible of natural events"
-John G. Mitchell, "The Hunt"
the longbowkid
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 372
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #1 on:
November 02, 2009, 08:35:00 PM » 06&usg=__8dKWg2SO6mtin_qAhD77dcLSgjA=&h=532&w=650&sz=31&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=9ZfvUCUVl_ypLM:&tbnh=112&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwhitetail%2Banatomy%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
Anneewakee Addiction longbow 56" 50@28
"too many people live under the misguided impression that death is the worst possible of natural events"
-John G. Mitchell, "The Hunt"
the longbowkid
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 372
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #2 on:
November 02, 2009, 08:36:00 PM »
dang picture wont post!!
Anneewakee Addiction longbow 56" 50@28
"too many people live under the misguided impression that death is the worst possible of natural events"
-John G. Mitchell, "The Hunt"
the longbowkid
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 372
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #3 on:
November 02, 2009, 08:37:00 PM »
cant get picture to post, so if you want just click a link
Anneewakee Addiction longbow 56" 50@28
"too many people live under the misguided impression that death is the worst possible of natural events"
-John G. Mitchell, "The Hunt"
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 630
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #4 on:
November 02, 2009, 08:38:00 PM »
i havent shot any animle with trad gear yet but if hitting a rib stops penatration or causes a glancen arrow i think there is someting very wrong arrows should almost always go thru ribs if i learn this to be a big problem im putting the trad gear away
Contributing Member
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Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #5 on:
November 02, 2009, 08:41:00 PM »
Not to hard to bust thru a whitetails rib. What setup are you shooting? bow and poundage at what draw length/arrow weight/broadhead.
shoot straight shoot often
Ray Hammond
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 5824
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #6 on:
November 02, 2009, 08:43:00 PM »
I think most of us know where the rib cage is on a whitetail.
If you hit a rib and didn't get any penetration- you didn't cripple anything.
Deer run through thick forests at night and are "stuck" all the time- sticks, saplings, trees macheted for survey markers, fenceposts- any number of objects are found inside deer- completely encased in cartilidge and the animal is none the worse for wear.
I've killed deer with broadhead arrows in them that way- healthy and with a thick layer of fat.
Your question gives away that you may lack experience. If you hit ribs and bounced off, you need to work on your setup. light arrows matched to a lightweight draw bow are a disaster in the making.
I'd be happy to help you analyze your setup through PM's.
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #7 on:
November 02, 2009, 08:56:00 PM »
My arrows are close to 600 grains shooting close to 60# and i have blown through both shoulders blades on hogs before, ribs dont even slow the arrow down. If your arrows are stopping because they hit a rib somthing is wrong.
Take Ray up on his offer and PM him he will help you out.
TGMM Family of the Bow
"OVERTHINKING" The art of creating problems that weren't even there!
Ragnarok Forge
Trad Bowhunter
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Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #8 on:
November 02, 2009, 09:06:00 PM »
I agree with the prior posts. It sounds to me like you are shooting really light arrows. ANy arrow from 500 grains on up should blast right thru a deers ribs. It will cut ribs on both sides of the animal and usually keep going if you shooting over 50lbs. Post you set up and tell us what angle the shot was from and what range.
Clay Walker
Skill is not born into anyone. It is earned thru hard work and perseverance.
Terry Green
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 28777
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #9 on:
November 02, 2009, 09:20:00 PM »
Didn't read any of the replies...
Deer Ribs are pixi sticks(chump change) for normal hunting weight bows and arrows....2,3, and 4 blades should be no problem at all. Something is amiss.
Here's a rib I cut clean in two from a 64# longbow and a 580 grain arrow. 260 pound GA Ten pointer, and a Sasquatch wide head. I heard the rib snap like a stick.
I've busted deer ribs for years....and NEVER had one stop a arrow...or cause a none pass through even if I busted one going in or going in an coming out.
AGAIN....if your set up is not getting through a deer rib...something is wrong!
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Broken Arrow 1
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 481
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #10 on:
November 02, 2009, 09:26:00 PM »
I agree And I must say wow that sure is one heck of a buck! If ya need a hunting partner let me know.
Its not the size of the animal you hunt that matters. Its how you hunt the animal.
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 351
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #11 on:
November 02, 2009, 09:35:00 PM »
I shot my first three trad deer with a 45lb recurve and sub 500grn arrows and two shots were complete pass thru's with broken ribs on both sides. Somethin ain't right. Take the advise of the guys one here and I gurantee that won't happen again.
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Trad Bowhunter
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Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #12 on:
November 02, 2009, 09:44:00 PM »
Either to light an arrow or bad arrow flight with broadhead.
shoot straight shoot often
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 5099
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #13 on:
November 02, 2009, 11:11:00 PM »
Bad arrow flight will cause bad penitration. With a tuned bow and the right arrow even a moose should not stop your arrow. Steep angled broadheads at odd shooting angle may be an issue as well.
TGMM Family of The Bow
the longbowkid
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 372
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #14 on:
November 03, 2009, 07:43:00 AM »
Ray, I do speak from a lack of experience, I was shooting easton carbons, but they were super light. I have changed my setup to heavier eastons and broadheads. I shoot a 45# longbow at 25 in draw, But I get about 40# at my draw. youre right, that deer will likely heal, but I'm just curios how many deer are wounded/not retrieved for every kill? is it really just luck if you hit a rib or not (minus heart shot)?
thanks for the advice
Anneewakee Addiction longbow 56" 50@28
"too many people live under the misguided impression that death is the worst possible of natural events"
-John G. Mitchell, "The Hunt"
the longbowkid
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 372
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #15 on:
November 03, 2009, 07:45:00 AM »
my arrows were about 340 gr with 100 gr head.
I guess the heavy arrow concept is accurate, and I am converting
Anneewakee Addiction longbow 56" 50@28
"too many people live under the misguided impression that death is the worst possible of natural events"
-John G. Mitchell, "The Hunt"
Terry Green
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 28777
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #16 on:
November 03, 2009, 07:57:00 AM »
Your set up is too light.....yes, you will need LUCK, but you DON'T have to have luck to get through a deers ribs.
Not only can you up your arrow weight, but with a little work you can up your bow weight....and I bet you can even lengthen your draw length by an inch minimum....and possibly as high as 2 and a half. Might find out how on the Shooter's Forum.
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"It's important, when going after a goal, to never lose sight of the integrity of the journey" - Andy Garcia
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Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 3242
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #17 on:
November 03, 2009, 08:02:00 AM »
You're probably pulling around 38# @25". That's putting about the same amount of energy into the arrow as a 25# @28" bow. Coupled with the light arrows... Terry described it right: rolling the dice.
>>>-TGMM Family Of The Bow-->
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Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #18 on:
November 03, 2009, 08:14:00 AM »
I broke 2 ribs and it went out though the liver, I am shooting a 58# Longbow and a 735 gr arrow dynamics arrow. Terry is right, deer ribs are easily broken.
"Everything's fine,just fine". Dad
Tom Leemans
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 2339
Re: Hitting Ribs!!!!!
Reply #19 on:
November 03, 2009, 08:21:00 AM »
Nice buck Terry!
Got wood? - Tom
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