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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Any of you young guys out there....(35 and younger)  (Read 2758 times)

Offline Jazen

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Re: Any of you young guys out there....(35 and younger)
« Reply #80 on: November 05, 2009, 09:32:00 PM »
Why did I get interested in Trad bowhunting?  Two words:
Mike Mitten.
Nuf said.

Offline bog monster

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Re: Any of you young guys out there....(35 and younger)
« Reply #81 on: November 05, 2009, 10:25:00 PM »
I'm 30 and have shot trad since I could pick up a bow. I tried a wheel bow for one season and it just didn't "fit". It felt like I was dragging a car fender through the woods. I also think that skills like stalking, tracking and still- hunting are more effective and important than anything you can buy.
  I generally stalk/still-hunt, but I am getting more and more into ground blinds. It is alot easier to bring the kids.

Offline Want2no

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Re: Any of you young guys out there....(35 and younger)
« Reply #82 on: November 05, 2009, 11:07:00 PM »
I'm 33.
1.  I began shooting Trad last fall after talking to a co-worker who only hunts with a long bow.  This got me interested.  I picked up my dad's old Hoyt recurve and began shooting.  Shooting a bow became enjoyable again! I love the natural feel of it all.  I sold the wheels this fall.  I still enjoy the gun hunt but as for the bow...It's all Trad for me.  

2. No.  
I wash my OLD torn and faded camo in Baking soda
Store them in a sealed bag with Scent wafers
I do NOT own a GPS or Range finder. I do use a compass and keep my shots under 20 yards.  (granted, If I get lost in the woods around here I can walk in any direction and hit a road within a mile or so)

3.  I hunt from treestands or ground blinds.  

I to agree today's mainstream hunting shows are all about "Super Model Bucks" and instant gratification.  I used to watch them all but it became almost comical and began to leave a bad taste.  It seems to degrade the hunt.  I think "new hunters" watch these shows and beleive there should be multiple 150++++++class bucks walking in their woodlot for the taking. I can tell you, that's not the case were I hunt.  Sorry for the soapbox ending.

Hunt Safe!

Offline kbetts

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Re: Any of you young guys out there....(35 and younger)
« Reply #83 on: November 06, 2009, 07:57:00 AM »
33 and traditional for about two years.  Been shooting bows since I was about ten.  Have owned countless compounds and still work on them quite regularly.  All my friends still shoot compounds but a few have bought 'curves in the past year.
I went trad when I came to the realization that all the deer I was shooting were inside 20 yds. anyway.  So many less things to think about.  Missed my first couple of deer around the age of 23.  I knew I wasn't yet ready.  Bought a beautiful BW from an older gentleman that could no longer use it.  In April I shot Delawares first trad turkey with it and haven't looked back.  Actually bought a second BW and gave the other one to my little bro.  I don't use scent lock.  Do not use bait.  I hunt trees mostly, but have become very fond of my ground blinds.
I wish someone would buy my compound, I want a Morrison.
"The overhead view is of me in a maze...you see what I'm hunting a few steps away."  Phish

Offline bowmaster12

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Re: Any of you young guys out there....(35 and younger)
« Reply #84 on: November 06, 2009, 02:36:00 PM »
Im 26 years old and this is my first year hunting with the trad equipment. ive always been "old school" in ust things in life but if i had to pick one reason i got went to the trad gear was my grandpa, i can fall into that mold at times and i hunt from treestands

Offline jsweka

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Re: Any of you young guys out there....(35 and younger)
« Reply #85 on: November 06, 2009, 06:33:00 PM »
I'm heading into the latter part of 35, so I just barely made the "younger" cut.

I started shooting traditional bows around 1996.  Before that I was really big into 3D and got caught up on the quest for speed.  I use to shoot an extra length riser Golden Eagle compound that was perfect for shooting with fingers.  Eventually that bow just didn't seem fast enough eventhough I shot really well with it.  That started my spiral into the hell of the quest for speed - got a faster bow; couldn't shoot it with fingers; got a release; got a faster bow; shot worse; and just didn't have fun at 3D's anymore.

One 3D shoot, I saw a couple guys shooting with recurves and longbows and they looked like they were having a blast eventhough they weren't getting 10's on every target (and missing a few).  That's when I decided.  Borrowed an old Shakespere recurve from a friend of my father. Upgraded to a Great Plains recurve as a college graduation present.  Started making my own longbows a couple years ago. And most importantly - put the fun back into it!

As I get older, the simpler (not necessarily easier)I want things. I shot enough deer out of tree stands with my compounds.  Now I really only want deer off the ground with my homemade longbow - buck or doe doesn't matter.

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