Sam: "Does the snugness of the fit reduce the circulation in your hands?"
That's the $64 question. I don't have diabetes, but apparently have poor circulation in my hands anyway, because once my fingers get cold and numb, they stay cold and numb until I can warm them up somehow. Putting gloves, even well insulated loose fitting gloves, over my numb fingers doesn't help unless I can warm my fingers up first.
I hope the glove combination I've illustrated is a good compromise between snugness for good shooting control and yet not so tight that it cuts off circulation, but I haven't really tested it yet under extreme cold conditions, since it doesn't get that cold in Sacramento either.
I'm going to keep shooting with the gloves on until they're broken in, which will hopefully relieve any tight spots and also help me get used to shooting with them on. So far, I'm pleased with my accuracy in shooting with the gloves on, but I won't really know about shooting with them in extreme cold until I try it.
The secret for me is to keep my fingers from getting numb in the first place, which I hope to do by keeping my gloved fingers in my pockets with chemical hand warmers most of the time. However it turns out, I'm sure it will be an improvement over last year.