Yesterday morning I got to my stand early planning on sitting from sunup to sundown with the rut starting to kick in. I got settled in and began what I thought would be a long relaxing day on stand. That changed 20 minutes after light when I spotted a buck nose to the ground following the trail of a couple does that passed me at 40 yards at first light.
I grunted to him and he came in like he was on a leash. At 11 yards he hit the opening where I had my video camera pointed, I grunted with my mouth to stop him and put an arrow through both his lungs. He only ran about 75 yards and expired within sight.
Here is a video that I quick threw together tonight of the hunt, this is the first video I have put together of a hunt so let me know what you think:
Kevin\\'s Longbow Buck I was really excited to take this deer as it has been a real slow season since returning from Wyoming this past September. The buck was small in antlers but field dressed 140 lbs, what do they say... you can't eat the horns anyways :D