I have been trying to dip my CE Heritage; they are "fish eyeing" like crazy.
I have called both CE and Bohning (sp?)trying to understand and correct the problem. Bohning has been very helpful and tells me its because there is still oil on the shaft. They are going to get some samples and see what happens. CE is not aware of the problem and they are looking into it.
I think we have tried all the commonly known methods of shaft cleaning...Comet & Scothbright pads, the Bohning cleanser, even MEK which I understand is a milder version of acetone.
Last year I had Dave Doran (Archery Past and he makes the plastic dip tubes that are the industry standard) dip a dozen for me and we had the same problem. I didn't really worry about then, just fletch 'em up and lived with it.
Also Mike Hurley a good friend working on them...same problem.
Between these two craftsmen they have dipped thousands of shafts and we are still not finding a good solution.
Curious if any Tg's have had the same problem and how did you solve it??
Perhaps a combination of cleaning type products?
Any input appreciated!!
Wraps are not really a solution