Don't remember now where I saw it, but there was a story going around about a guy who decided to check his charcoal "scent free" stuff to see if it really was, so he washed it as directed, etc. put one of his dog's favorite treats in a pants pocket, rolled the whole thing, pants, base layer, coat, etc. up with the pants inside the roll and put them in the scent proof bag just as directed, then put the bag among a bunch of other stuff laying around in his garage. The dog wandered in, sniffed for a minute, went over to the bag and started pawing at it.
So the moral of the story is stay reasonably clean, keep your body odor to a minimum but mostly figure that if the wind is with you, you'll be OK and if it's not and you can't move to accommodate it, just relax and enjoy the woods. Maybe you'll encounter a dumb one who doesn't know that human scent is not good news.