there are lotsa good ways to create a good arrow - this how i build my beman ics venture/bowhunter 500 carbon hunting arrows ...
i true up the nock end on a shop 120 grit sanding wheel first, install the bohning nock, measure out the shaft length. i use a dremel carbide cutoff wheel to cut the shafts within 1/16" of actual length, then true up on the shop sander.
cut/sanded shaft ends are prepped/cleaned with naptha (lighter fluid) on a paper towel.
i install shaft inserts with slow set epoxy. i used to use 100 grain brass inserts, but now use 45 grain aluminum inserts and an internal 4.5" footed weight tube (nail weight) that weighs 155 grains = cheaper, heavier, stronger.
points are 125 grain (woodsman, judo, field) epoxy glued to a 125 stainless steel point adapter.
i use bohning fletch tape exclusively for carbons, with a tiny dot of glue at either end of the feather for added insurance. feathers are 4" 75x105 four fletch, low profile banana.