Shot my first Trad buck this morning...
Here's the senario...
He was broadside at 8 yards, I was about 18' up... Shot with an Acadian Woods Treestick 56" and 52#'s or so at my draw... Easton Carbon with Snuffer on the end... arrow weight was 425 grains... I only got one hole... no exit hole... the broadhead and 6 inches or so of arrow were found in the lungs when field dressed...
He took off like a racehorse across a field and I was able to watch him for 125 yards or so and he went into a woods that was cut about 12-15 years ago and is thick as all get out... No blood till the last 40 yards or so... When he started he was blowing it everywhere... I'd heard him go down and thrash and I found him with a grid search as to the lack of blood...
Any thoughts as to the lack of pentetration?
I know I didn't short draw... I shoot with a clicker and distinctly remember it going off...
Oh yeah here's a pic...