yep, not that great... on the property i hunt, i've had two really nice bucks within range. a nice 6 point w/ about a 15 inch spread & 3-4" tines, just no brow tines. this past saturday i had a 6 point with heavy mass, prob an 18-20" spread, 6-8" tines, no brow tines... the only thing that made him legal was he had a kicker off the back tine on the left side. it was maybe 1 1/2 inches long. is this 4 point on one side to be legal thing lending to this no brow tine thing. clearly both bucks were mature but not legal. will all the fawn bucks born from does these bucks breed have genetic traits NOT to have brow tines. it's been a very frustrating year. the bigger of the 2 bucks will prob be shot by some rifle hunter at a distance who thinks a buck of that size should surely have brow tines & be legal. anyone else seeing anything like this?