Why are there now so many more 2.5 year old and 3.5 year old bucks being taken in PA?
It stands to reason, that with an AR program, more bucks will be moved into older age classes provided they don't get shot as 7 month old button bucks due to higher doe tag allocations. No science there. How many more bucks are being pushed into this age class is anybodies guess this year. But I'm willing to wager that the buck harvest in 2G will be down by at least 20% this year as compared to last year(which was way down to begin with) and that the total statewide buck harvest "PGC estimate" with be below 110K. Nothing to write home about really.
But......riddle me this. If in fact, our herd health has improved, and the breeding window has gone from 5 months to 2 months, and our fawns are being dropped in a shorter time span, and our fawns are born healthier.....then using your words "many more 2.5 year old and 3.5 year old bucks being taken in PA", why are so many sublegal bucks being born and making it to the next age class. One would think that bucks born to healthier does would have a great chance of becoming AR legal 18 month old deer. Not?
Before, all I saw was 18 month old bucks and there were a lot more of them!
Yup. That's was before so many button bucks were getting harvested as does thanks to higher doe tag allocations and longer doe seasons. BTW...I made great enjoyment out of seeing those 18 month old deer. Sure beat the heck out of staring at the trillium growing like I do now.
I also used to see "herds" of deer pass through my stand in rifle season. There would be lines of up to 20 does run buy with maybe a spike or forkhorn at the rear.
I can't relate to that because I've never seen a herd of deer that size on any single day that I've hunted Tioga County over the last 30 years. But one thing I can relate to is that we've been hunting and killing 2.5 and older year old deer in Tioga County for many many moons partner. Mature deer ain't nothin' new in these parts.
Now, I usually see a singles or small groups.
Count your blessings. I've seen one "group" this year. A doe and her fawn. And they both went over the hill and fell victim to a pair of 30/06s.