I'm not from Pennsylvania but hunt there every year...done so for at least a few days ever since 1977! It's a very special place! My father owns about 50 acres adjacent to the Loyalsock State Forest in Sullivan County. Certainly the numbers are down…in fact they are way down compared to the ’80’s and early ‘90’s. I do miss it!! Bowhunting in PA is why I bowhunt today! My home state of Delaware had very few deer when I was younger…in fact the yearly take with archery gear for the whole state was less than 50 deer in 1980!! My father had always traveled north to hunt the big woods…going with him when I was 12 sparked a lifelong love of bowhunting!
Even though I miss the glory days, there are a couple positives. The deer and the habitat look healthier. The deer are bigger…no ribs showing and does are more likely to have twin fawns! That was rare back in the day! And the habitat looks really good….especially in the fenced enclosures!! The plants are more diverse and thrive. Depending on your view whether the herd reduction is good or bad, there is no arguing the habitat has improved in the enclosures!
But that’s about where the positives end!! First, we don’t see bigger bucks antler-wise! I did for the first couple years of herd reduction but not many since…PA hunters are quite efficient and take most legal bucks annually on public land…that will never change! To get bigger deer, they would have to change the regs to allow only mature deer (e.g. 15 inch inside spread or something along those lines). Second, there are tons less hunters…I was up for the bow season opener this year and saw two trucks on the 11 mile road up from our Cabin…that’s two trucks covering 7,000 acres or so!!! There used to be a truck (or two) at every pull off (20 or so!!) I can’t help but imagine what that does to the local economy!! Third, we rarely get any deer! Sure, we hunt hard (harder than most) and see deer and take some every now and then…but it’s getting rare! We used to have an average success rate of 50% or so annually for the 8-10 guys that use my father’s cabin. Considering most guys were up for about 3 days each, that’s remarkable! I don’t expect that to ever return…it’s way too much to ask!! Now, on a good year, they get an antlerless deer during rifle season and rarely anything during bow. I know the tag is not a guaranteed deer, but it is hard to justify the expenditure every year just to go for a walk in the woods! I’ll do it forever! I doubt my kids will! I doubt my friends will!
I don’t know the solution…it’s a difficult dilemma to solve! The pressure to please all parties (e.g. hunters, foresters, tree-huggers, insurance companies, etc.) must be overwhelming…hopefully there is a compromise somewhere that will satisfy all!! Right now, the scale is tipped away from the public land hunters…perhaps someday, that will change!