Just wanted to share my season so far. This is my second year traditional last year missed two deer. This year took a doe on my property in Vt first day, Black Widow with an old Bear Razorhead,no bleeder blade, she went 30 yards. Then went to Ohio got back last night. I shot a 7 pointer [not big buck in Ohio but big to me] Saturday morning at 26 yards, had to grunt to stop him shot him at 26 yards, spined him then put a coup de gras through him, this time with old Razorhead with the bleeders. What a blast, to put icing on the cake, one of the guys with us [compound shooter but great guy] shot a 140 class buck and I stopped at Twig Archery in Conesville and traded for a Trad Tech Pinnacle II that shoots like a dream! Man, what a great season and Vt rifle opens on Saturday. I love this stuff!